Warhammer 40K Tournament: The Standish Standoff 2013

Crossroad Games in Standish, Maine is hosting the third annual Warhammer 40K tournament called the Standish Standoff on November 23rd. It’s a 1,750 tournament for 40 players with army composition, sportsmanship, painting and of course battle points used to award...
Tournament Play: Time restrictions – 90 Minute man.

Tournament Play: Time restrictions – 90 Minute man.

One thing that drives me insane at tournaments are unrealistic time limits. I'm not talking about being forced to finish your game by turn five.....I'm talking turn 2.Siceralc and I have attended a large number of smaller hosted tournaments. They are usually great...
MiGT: Photos from Michigan’s First GT!

MiGT: Photos from Michigan’s First GT!

 Here is a long long dump of over 100 pictures from the armies at the MiGT.  I'll try to credit them where I remember them, but if I've missed you its because my brain may have been at max capacity over the weekend.  Here we go!Warning: Very large pic...

I see what you did there GW….

A month or two ago, I posted that people should give double force organizations a try.  I don't really have an agenda (ie, a secret I-win-list just waiting for some sucker to allow me to use it, really I don't)I just think the points will balance out most lists...
NWG – Post Tournament Report

NWG – Post Tournament Report

100+ zombie unit from a very nice vampires armyThe dust has settled, the boards have been taken down and the shouting has subsided. NWG 2013 is a wrap. As I wearily sip my morning coffee the highlights of a great weekend still give me a chuckle. It was a great event,...