NOVA Open 2013: Battle Report

NOVA Open 2013: Battle Report

Now that I'm (somewhat) rested and refreshed, it's time for the battle reports! I took a bunch of notes during my games to help me keep track of what happened and how the game went. Turned out to be a great help in writing this post. First, though, the list I...
The Inquisition Team Tournament debrief.

The Inquisition Team Tournament debrief.

Better late than never! Even though the tournament was a week ago, it is still important to have a debrief. SO! Let's get into it!This was a team tournament held in Sydney. Almost like a mini ATC/ETC type format. 3 players per team, no repeat codexes and 1850 points...
Kill Team Tournament

Kill Team Tournament

So this past weekend my local gaming club, Red Steel Preston, had their first 40K tournament at their new home in Harlequins games store in Preston (after our previous home, Worthy Gaming, closed down).They decided to hold a Kill Team tournament using the most recent...
2013 NOVA Open GT, Come and Gone

2013 NOVA Open GT, Come and Gone

What. A. Weekend.Turns out, I didn't totally finish my army. They're 90% done. The only thing that I didn't get finished (and I was painting until 1 am the night before, just like I said I didn't want to do) was 2 Grey Hunter squads. I just didn't get a chance to do...