Warhammer WHFB ETC Lists 2013

Hey guys pretty simple post today, below are the WHFB ETC 2013 Lists. I know the ETC system isnt to everyone's taste (not really mine tbh) but its always good to see what other people take and consider to be powerful! Will hopefully have a wee dig through these and...

Xtra Points Episode 25 – Tournament Design Considerations

Today Rob and Andrew discuss tournament design. Its something that has been a frequent topic of discussion between them throughout the last year and a half in their tournament travels. They break up the discussion into: General Considerations and Communication with...

Episode 43 – Buckeye Battles 2013!

Today we record Andrew and Robert’s experience over at Buckeye Battles 2013! They have a great time all weekend and are joined by some friends such as: Corey Leininger, Kenny Lull, Allan “Bolt Gun” Blount, Gary Luthor, Alex Gonzales, Eric Bemus, Jeff...

So I Went to DieCon…

Life has finally settled to the point where I can actually get back to blogging! A couple of weeks ago, I had a chance to go to DieCon 13 in Collinsville, IL (in the greater St. Louis area) to attend the Gateway Grand Tournament there. I’d gone two years ago, so...