showcase: 1500 pts Thousand Sons Foce (Wartorn UK)

Wartorn is quickly approaching, but I am now safe in the knowledge that my fighting force is all painted and ready for battle.The list has remained relatively intact, but those eagle-eyed viewers will have noticed there is no more Rhino for my Thousand Sons. After a...

Cry Havok 2013

My army for the tournamentSo last the weekend I played at the Cry Havok tournament in Dunfermline hosted by the DWARF guys ( it was really well run tournament and I had a great...

What I’ve Been Doing In June

Painting! So much painting! I'm normally a slow painter, but I had one month to paint up my new Tau acquisitions and army list adjustments to get them ready for the Gateway Grand Tournament this weekend at DieCon 13. Some old, some new, all purchased, and a little bit...

Iron Warriors Blog Wars 5 List

Hi all – it’s Blog Wars 5 this weekend and I thought I would share my list ahead of the tournament.As normal for Blog Wars, it’s not a competitive list, although I hope it has a few mean units. It’s not actually the list I would like to take; ideally there would have...