Better late than never

Hello to everyone!Its been a while again since my latest post and I have been stalling my hobby progress yet again... work and a terrible loss of inspiration, combined with a hefty temperature raise led me to the inevitable pause of any activity and project. Hopefully...

Episode 40b – Orc and Goblin Review Part 2

Today Andrew, Jake, and Joe finish part 2 of their Orc and Goblin Review by answering listener questions and talking tactics.   Special thanks this episode to Paul Meredith for the bits for my secret project I’m working on for 2014!

Road to NOVA: The Network

Last time, I discussed the basics of what a list should have.  Today, I am going to discuss another important thing about list building.  It's all in who you know.  If you are going solo in your list building, your doing it wrong.  I am going to...

Episode 40a – Orc and Goblin Review Part 1

Today Andrew and Jake are joined by Joe Getsi for their much anticipated Orc and Goblin Review! This Episode was so long we broke it into two podcasts! This Episode we will cover: Orc Magic Goblin Magic Lords Heros Core Special Rare   Next Episode we will cover...

Road to NOVA: List Building

I am working on a few list ideas and after listening to friends and a number of podcasts I have started working on a few items that lists should cover.  A while ago, I posted a list from a friend that covers what you should build into your lists for Warmachine....