Discussion: 40k Tournaments and Me

My experience with tournaments or any sort of competition is probably lower than most of you reading this. I've only really entered a few local events, never dreaming of entering Grand Tournaments and the like (probably due to the excessive competition attitude).My...

PayneHammer Pics and Results

The Ogres march on the Dwarf Occupied HillHey guys, been a while since I last posted, in truth I have been a whirlwind of activity with work, buying a house and playing quite a lot of warhammer! I hosted a little gaming day with the PaintHammer lads (plus Jamie) and...

Xtra Points 19 – Unplugged GT

Today Andrew is joined by Mike Tiskus and Jon Vanase to talk about the Unplugged GT this May 25th and 26th in Hartford Ct. Its shaping up to be a blast! Check out their site for more info: http://www.unpluggedgamers.com/the-unplugged-gt/

Choking at Adepticon 2013

I choked during the Adepticon Championships.  Yes, I choked.  I was on the verge of qualifying for the finals and achieving best imperial but apparently, it just wasn't in the cards this year.  How you might ask?  Well let me take you a tale of...