Electronic Table Pairings at Adepticon 2013

If you have ever been to a major GT before, you know that when the table pairings are assigned in between rounds it is complete chaos.  People fighting for the first chance to read who is going where and who they will be facing.  Adepticon is no...

Tournament – Bristol Vanguard’s Vanquish 2013

On Friday we packed up and departed with the boys from Promethean Games for Bristol Vanguard's Vanquish Tournament 2013. We decided to head up early and check out the Vanguard Wargaming store. I must say we were very impressed. Up top you can see Renegade giving...

Test of Khaine Adepticon Primer Announcement

I want to take the opportunity this afternoon to help get the word out about the Test of Khaine, an annual tournament held at Evolution Games in Lansing, MI by my friend and fellow club member, SeerK AKA Josh as we know him. This year he is running the event as an...

Episode 38 – 2013 Spring Break Crossroads GT

This Episode is focused on Spring Break Crossroads GT held by Cory Reynolds in Horseheads, New York. Cory did a bang up job with this event and it had a very fun family style atmosphere. Jeremy Gottschalk joins Andrew on this 7 hour one way trip and they hang out with...

Painting update and a game for GLWL vs Matt Horst

So its been a couple of weeks since my last blog post, so I figured I’d give you all an update as to where I’ve been with painting recently. After my experience at Crossroads GT (Which was a blast and if you want to hear about it, you can listen to...