Adepticon 2013 — To Do List

I can't believe it is all ready that time of the year again!  Seriously... only 14 more days until I pack up my bags, get in the car, and start heading out to Chicago for 5 days of awesomeness.   Yes, this does mean I plan on being in Chicago on Tuesday...

Day One Results of the ‘Veiled Region’ Campaign Weekend

Just a quick update after day one of the campaign weekend... Game 1 - 1000pts (minimum 50% flyers):Lost (twice!) on VP's against pre-heresy World Eaters from the Betrayal book. The list included a Whirlwind, 2 x Lightnings & ten assault...

Wrap-Up: Unification Wars GT

DropZone Games just finished up their first GT and it was a big success.  1999 with allies.  They had a packed house both days and it was a fun time to be had by all.  The terrain and tables were set up great and the event ran smooth as silk.  The...