Request for Players -‘ In the Veiled Region’ Campaign Weekend

Over the Easter weekend (30-31 March) Animisity are running the 'In The Veiled Region' campaign. It's open to all players and races and comprises 6 games. Game 1 is a specially comped mission (1000pts, minimum 50% flyers / skimmers /jump infantry / winged), whilst the...

Throne of Skulls – Today!

It's just gone 2:45am here in London. In 8.5 hours I'll be on the train to Warhammer World in Nottingham for March's Thrne of Skulls tournament.Of course, the fact I'm awake means my army is definitely not as painted as I'd like it to be, but I've reached a cut off...

Battle for Stones River 2013 Statistics

Here are the player breakdown and some interesting statistics, enjoy the read... Players Battle Points Chris Flanagan 69 Shawn Williams 69 Andrew Ford 68 David Gaither 64 Matt Rogers 62 Robert Greene 60 Michael Romero 59 Matthew Sego 58 Clay Williams 58 Andrew...

Tournament Report: Chaos Climbs to the Top

Tournaments burn me out. I enjoy them, don’t get me wrong, but after one I’m hardly in a condition to write-up cool reports. That being said, I didn’t do one for the previous month so something is better than nothing, … Continue reading...

3/16/13: Lost Souls 2013; Day One

Hey guys!So as I'm sure most of you are aware, today and tomorrow is our two day Warhammer Fantasy tournament Lost Souls 2013, run by our very own RTGamer! The event is in full swing, and we've had 12 players show up, most of them Fantasy players from the Denver...