Team Tournament Conclusions

At the end of the day, we had played three good games against very fun opponents. Sure, we lost all 3 games but that doesn't diminish the fun we had. I think we played the first game well and it was a close loss due to some bad luck, while we made some major errors in...

The Test Of Khaine Tournament April 13! Adepticon Primer!

  The Infinity Circuit is burning with Rage. The Avatar Stirs. The Test Of Khaine is upon us.....Wow has it been 3 years already? Time flies. Well as I have done for the past two years we will be celebrating Craftworld Lansing’s 3rd Birthday on April 13th with...

40K Campaign Event: Fratris Salutem – May 18th, 2013

I’ve mentioned over the past few months the spring event being held at Crossroad Games in Standish, Maine which we’ve decided to call Fratris Salutem. Well, the time has come to get the packet out there and drive some interest! … Continue reading...

Team Tournament Game 3

With two losses, we came to our third and final game. Our opponents were playing Chaos Space Marines and Tyranids.TyranidsHive Tyrant w/ wings, 2 twin-linked devourers 13 Genestealers w/ Broodlord25 Hormagaunts w/ adrenal glands and toxin sacs10 TermagantsTervigon w/...