Thoughts about the Indy Open

 By GravyGhost  Now that the Indy Open has come and gone. I would like to share some of my thoughts about my about this GT. This was a 64 man tournament ran with Adepticon like missions. It seemed like it had a great turn out, I'm not sure what the final number was....

Xtra Points Episode 15 – Ken Sheldon and the Barracks!

                Today I am joined by Barracks store owner Ken Sheldon. We talk about the new WoC, Mini Gaming, and even do a game involving SoM monsters.     Today I am joined by Barracks store owner Ken Sheldon. We...

Competitive Warhammer 40K Does Not Exist

Competitive Warhammer 40K is a myth. It doesn’t exist. Never has. Who wins or loses a game of Warhammer 40K is not primarily determined by any intrinsic quality of the players, such as “skill” or “talent”. As a result, you cannot truly...

Team Tournament Game 1

Recently, I took part in another team tournament at the FLGS. It was three games, with 1,000 points per person and two people per team. I took a cut down version of my standard Executioners list.Codicier Amon YaraLibrarian w/ force staff, bolt pistol, Null Zone, Gate...
Final BAO list + rant!

Final BAO list + rant!

BLAM! The BAO is this weekend! It sure did sneak up on me... I hadn't really finalized my list (or painted my army) until yesterday, so I'm pretty much going in with only a rudimentary idea if this army will even work or not. Awesome! I will definitely stock...