Deathwing – 6th Edition

Back in January, I played in a local tournament with Deathwing, for the first time with the new codex. I thought hard about all the nice new toys – cheap Tacticals, expensive flyers, new toys for the Ravenwing. I decided … Continue reading →The post...

Toldeo Game Room Adepticon Primer: Rounds 2 & 3

 Why not rap up that Saturday battle report in one go?  I am sure you guys have been eagerly waiting for it anyways.  Round one can be found here.  My list can be referenced in the first post.As a reminder, Adepticon primer rules can for the...

Games Nook Tournament

So last weekend I managed to make it to Sudbury for the tournament at the Games Nook.My original travelling partner had to cancel because of personal reasons, so my girlfriend offered to go along, because she felt bad for me.  So over the course of 5 days last...

Tournament Schedule

People were asking about the tournament schedule and I realized that I didn't post it anywhere.  I apologize for the lateness of this post.  If your buddies are playing, make sure they are aware of registration and start times.  Thanks and look forward...

Taking the High road

Some time last year, after having my Wood Elves trampled under the iron shod boots of a bunch of fatties, I decided it was time to try something new, something Elven but with a bit more of a punch. Enter the High Elves.It was a bit of a struggle to decide on which...