Changes, and the obligatory "what I’ve been doing post"

So I've had a couple projects that I've wanted to get posted up here for a while, but I started a new job last week.  That meant a busy few weeks closing out the new job, building training documents, and bringing the replacement up to speed.  Then of course...

Tournament – Throne of Blades 2013

On the 2nd of March I shall be heading up to Stafford to take part in Throne of Blades 2013. I have been warned this will be a truly competitive environment and I have been preparing a list that can allow me to represent. Read on for the list.This is how the list...

Building Better Allies in Blocks

Working through small ally contingents for use with my Space Wolves has led me to thinking about a system of putting together ally forces in a concept of building blocks. The concept of building blocks follows a simple format that creates a single ‘base block’ being...

Xtra Points Episode 12 – 1st Game vs the New WoC

So in today’s episode Andrew is joined by Jeremy Gottschalk. The two discuss the new WoC book give it a high level overview (as Andrew doesn’t even own the book yet) and play a game with it. Jeremy pits his 2500 points of WoC vs Andrew’s 2500 points...

Episode 36 – Ridden Monsters

Here Jake and Andrew are back again bringing you an Episode focusing on Ridden Monsters from each of the books and reasons why we should take them. They go over every one they can think of and talk which they like and which they dont.