Battle for Stones River Scoring Guidelines

(A short explanation of our scoring and prize categories)          So I thought as the tournament grows ever closer, I should elaborate on our scoring systems and the titles to be won. I know that tournaments are supposed to be...

Battle Brothers – Game 3

Two games down and two wins, we were certainly feeling flattered by our luck and the fact that the lists we had faced had generally been good match-ups for us. Up next though was a very nicely painted Ork army with two Dakka Jets, Zogwart (or "Lysander's Bane") and a...

Battle Brothers – Game 2

This doesn't feel right ...Buoyed by our success in game 1 we felt pretty good about facing off against Tyranids in game 2; and when our opponents said they were sticking with the book psychic powers rather than taking Biomancy I have to say I thought we were probably...

Finishing a Cannon and Test Champion for Empire Halberders

So judging by the header, you can guess that no I have not worked on finishing the unit of knights that I was working on. Life’s been busy lately and since I’ve been behind I decided I needed to get something done quick so I could feel like I accomplished...