February Tournament Announcement at Evolution Games

Hey all,Lord Solar Steve here with a tournament announcement. Evolution Games in Lansing, Michigan is hosting a tournament on February 16th.  It is a 1500 point tournament with a $10 registration fee. This should be a lot of fun! I do not have all the...

Ogres Win the Masters!

It's been a very busy week for me but I should really have mentioned this, Ogres won the UK masters, generalled by Tom Mawdsley. Tom played well throughout the weekend and for that matter though out the year, championing the triple stonehorn list (I'm planning on...

Hammer in the New Year 2013 Success!

After much preparation and worry, my Hammer in the New Year tournament ran yesterday and was, if I may say so, quite successful. 16 people showed up to throw some dice. The overall response has been positive and I'm glad everyone had a good time.Just a few pictures...

10,000 views and a 2k Tournament

We hit the 10,000 views milestone! I would like to thank everyone who has been following my blog and those who just come across it by accident. I hope these 10,000 view have been as good for you as they have been for me.On to the real news! I attended a 2,000...

The Siege Experience!

So Jake, Joe and I went to the Siege on the 5th of January and I have to admit it was a blast! I got the opportunity to play 3 great games of warhammer and I thought I’d do a blog post about how it went.   For those that don’t know, the Siege was a 22...