Episode 35 – The Siege!

Today Jake and Andrew are joined on the trip to the Siege by Joe Getsi. They talk lists, scenarios, and battle plans. When the tournament is over Jake and Andrew return for a recap and battle reports before closing out the show.   They also welcome their newest...

List building for 2,000 point tournament: part 3

You may want to read Part 1 and Part 2 before continuing here on part 3.Here in Part 3 I want to look at another Space Marine list that uses only one FOC and a Chaos Space Marine list that uses 2 FOCs.An older pic of my Terminators... but it's what is...

Weekend gaming and ETC ruleset

Yay! I got in my first games and my first tournament over the weekend for 2013.. Does this mean that this will be the year of gaming? Probably not considering how I performed, but things could have been worse!If you have seen my luck in previous tournament posts you...

Tournament – Vanquish has sold out!

Just a quick post. Bristol Vanguard's tournament Vanquish has now sold out. At 70 players (10 of which from the FLGS) this should be a great event!Everyone from Promethean is working hard on getting their armies ready for this and we are starting to get...

Treating myself with a Engineer on a Mechanical Steed.

So I finally Finished the Crossbowmen and here is a final shot of the unit.     I do want to point out how I’m Magnetizing this unit’s models and movement tray. On the bottom of each Model, I am putting a Rare earth Neodymium Magnet 3/8″...