Roll Call 1600 Point Tournament

So this weekend I attended a 1600 Point Tournament in Milton Keynes hosted by Mark Borland.There was a bit of comp, fleeing units count as destroyed at the end of the game. My list was shown on my Blog here.Game 1 - Alex Read - Vampire CountsGame 1 saw me up...

Adepticon 2012: General Thougths

At the end of the day Adepticon offers an opportunity for a gaming experience unlike any other. Guys who go every year or live in larger cities with many large events every year with a large player base don’t have an appreciation for how lucky they are. The largest...

Mark: 40k Doubles Wrap Up

It's been an odd week and I haven't had a great deal of time to do much with my toy soldiers beyond playing in the club doubles tournament last Monday against the Darling Downs Gamers Club in Toowoomba.I have to confess to the gratest sin a Space Marine player can...

1600 Point 2 Day Tournament

So as I've said before this weekend is the 1600 point tournament. Over the last 2 1/2 days I've been updating 35 Plague Monks, finished 10 more Stormvermin and finished a new Warlord with Fell Blade/Sword of Anti-Heroes (this weekend he will just be a Chieftain) and...

Adepticon 2012: Part VI (Final Round!)

Going in to the 4th round at Adepticon things were going great for my first real ‘GT’ experience – too great. I had racked up 3 wins against 3 great opponents and in facing Necrons, Tau and Eldar I had faced a slew of really fun armies and avoided the dreaded Grey...