Throne of Skulls: Game 5 – The Most Awesome Game EVER

So here we go, into the hallowed realms of the fifth and final game of the weekend.So far I've won one, drawn two and lost one. I really wanted to win to round off things with the positives (my two pick up wins didn't count unfortunately).So off to the last table I...

Throne of Skulls: Game 4 Pictures and Summary

A little later than planned as I decided to wait for the blog to be back up on the BoLS blog roll after they rebuilt it this week.Following on from my previous post covering games 1, 2 and 3 here comes Saturday evening and game 4. Read on for the battle summaries...

Throne of Skulls: Games 1-3 Pictures and Summary

Hi All,It's been a quiet couple of weeks since my last post. My few spare hours have been spent furiously batch painting the Marines which has been...tiresome.It was all worth while though, the army, while not finished, looked decent enough. So on Friday morning we...

indy40k tournament recap

I still need to edit the pictures from the tournament last weekend, but I wanted to post the results:Generalship:1.  Dustin S (Dark Eldar)2.  Luke T (Blood Angels)3.  Ken L (Grey Knights)4.  Carlos F (Chaos Marines)5.  Mark W (Orks)Top...

Tremor Crons

Enslaviour Tremor Crons Sisters of Battle | By: Enslaviour Sisters of Battle | By: Enslaviour - Girls with guns, need I say moreI have been playing them for a couple of weeks now. I purchased them on a whim, at the behest of a friend to play in a tournament locally...