Uxbridge 40k tournament: Game 1- White Scars vs Tyranids

I recently attended a tournament at BattleUX in Uxbridge. This was the first tournament that they had held, so I was looking forward to seeing how it would turn out, as it is a relatively short drive for me and I might be able to attend on a regular basis. The...

GFTW Tournament- White Scars Army Review

I recently attended the Greetings From the Warp 40k tournament with a new style of White Scars army than I am used to playing. This new army focuses on massed infantry and board control in the force, and lots of Jump Pack units to take advantage of the White Scars...

GFTW Tournament Game 3- White Scars vs Orks

In my final game of the tournament, I would be facing Mark and his Ork army. The third mission of the day was Targets of Opportunity with the Vanguard Strike deployment zone. This is the mission where you only get one turn to score your three cards, having to draw new...