Bunker War 3- Armies on Display

There were some great armies on display at the Bunker Wars tournament. Here are a selection of some of the forces present.Here are my own Deathwatch. Justin (the owner of Battle Bunker) posted a photo on facebook saying that this was his favourite army on the day,...

Bunker War 3: Game 3- Deathwatch vs Tyranids

The final game of the Bunker War 3 tournament would see my Deathwatch take on Phil's Tyranid force. I had only played Nids once in 8th edition so far, and it did not go well. Hopefully, this game would be a lot closer than that last one.The mission for game 3 was the...

Bunker War 3: Game 2- Deathwatch vs Ultramarines

The second game of Bunker War 3 would be the No Mercy mission with Hammer and Anvil deployment. This could be a tricky one for me, as very little of my Deathwatch army frequently survives the game in 8th edition. This game would see me facing David and his...

Bunker War 3: Game 1- Deathwatch vs Aeldari

Welcome to the first battle report from my recent trip to the Bunker War tournament, held at Battle Bunker in Sunderland. This tournament was a one-day, three-game event, featuring armies at 2000 pts. The games would be three random Eternal War determined on the...