North West Open this weekend!

Tonight I will be heading over to Southport for the North West Open tournament, held at the awesome Wargames. This will be my first ITC tournament, so I am looking forward to trying out the changed mission styles in the tournament pack. If you are going to the...

Blog Update- Upcoming Events and Posts

Hello faithful Blog readers, today I have a bit of a random post for you today as I talk about what I have coming up on the blog and where life is at the moment. Hobby content has been a bit sparse on the blog at the moment. Part of this is due to real life...

Awakening Dead – 50SS Malifaux Tournament

Master and Faction locked in, Samuel our Henchman organized a 50 soulstone tournament for us at Card Geeks. Designed to help the newer players who had smaller hiring pools, the locked Master and Faction leveled the playing field. With a showing of 12 players, this is...