Spring Fling Tournament: Game 3

My third game was against a newer Blood Angel player. If some of his models look familiar, that's okay. I lent him some of my Blood Angels so he wouldn't have to proxy for the tournament.Blood AngelsGolden HostDante5 Sanguinary Guard w/ Chapter Banner5 Sanguinary...

Spring Fling Tournament: Game 2

My next game would be against a Chaos Space Marine army using the Word Bearers Grand Host detachment from Traitor Legions.Word Bearers Grand HostCommandSorcerer with jump packSorcererThe Lost and the DamnedDark Apostle10 Cultists10 Cultists10 Cultists10...

Spring Fling Tournament: Game 1

Last weekend, we held a small "tournament" at my FLGS, with the goal of playing some lighter games of 40K with fun lists. All the games were Maelstrom missions of some sort with 1500 point armies. I took a Sternhammer Strike Force with the following:Battle...

Malifaux Henchman Hardcore Tournament April 2017

In preparation of our local Henchman Hardcore, I got in 2 games with Patrick on one of the weeknights. Put together a list I thought would hit hard. Comprised the following:Rusty Alyce, Johan, Bishop and the Hodgepodge Effigy.Aonious just slowed my entire list...