Battle Report: Chaos Marches to War and Returns with Support

Saturday my FLGS held a 1,650 Warhammer 40K tournament, and I had brought along my Chaos Space Marines, Disciples of Twilight. It’s a list I had been practicing with for the better part of the previous four weeks. I set myself the task of sticking with a list,...

Road to Invitationals

The GREX Invitationals are coming soon. Due to Christmas and travels, I was not able to participate in the recent 1000 Point tournament Rookie Rumble that Jason attended. But the tourney chat really got me pumped for the next one. While I am planning for the February...

1000pt Tournament Report – Rookie Rumble

  Welcome, my friend. Sit yourself down,And meet the best Shadowseer in town. Seldom will you see, a tale that's spun by me; A story of such glory, in which you'd want to be..... Took part in a 1000pt Open organised by Grex over the weekend,...

Into Competition

As I had proclaimed here I was about to visit an open tournament organised by the german Hobbit Tabletop Liga. The tournament’s intention was to bring new players to the scene, therefore it was addressed towards 24 rookies exclusively. I am a long time tabletop...