2016 Batman Tournament Cards Appearing

Over the last few days, the 2016 set of Batman tournament cards have started to appear.You can see the first ones on http://elsobacodebatman.blogspot.com.es/ and http://labibliotecadealfred.blogspot.com.es/.We have Zur-En-Arrh Batman, Borj the plant,...

Tournament Report – 40K Borders Smackdown

On the first Saturday of December I awoke at an ungodly hour (well 08:00, screw you, don’t judge me!) to catch a train on the new Borders Rail Link to Galashiels to participate in a games day between the Borders Reivers and Edinburgh League of Gamers. Borders...

Disciples of Twilight (Chaos Space Marines): 1,650 Tournament List

The January tournament at my FLGS will be 1,650. As we (the players), always tend to do, once we know the points limit we start working on lists and practicing. I’m going to make a very solid attempt to work through a list, and not change it up week after week...

The Tale of a Tournament – A Time of Legends

Welcome my friends, come see a show that never ends. Step inside, step inside, do we have a tale for you tonight. Settle down by the fireside, and listen as we spin you a story of an era, with dashing heroes, victims and villains, and acts of uncommon valour. Ah...