Hammer in the New Year 2016

   My little baby tournament is now a teenager. After an unfortunate hiatus in 2015 for personal reasons, Hammer in the New Year returns for 2016 better than ever- and under new management! Phil (you can find him over at elphilo) will be running it this year...

Winter War 2015 Charity Tournament Report

Hey guys! So I thought I'd do a really quick report on the Winter War 2015 charity tournament. Between ticket sales, donations and the awesome raffle, the guys managed to raise a staggering £3100 all from 100 (ish) generous wargamers! Brilliant work! Apologies for the...

Speed Painted Necron Army: Finished!

So (very!) late last night I managed to finish my speed painted necron army for Winter War. It’s been quite a slog but in the grand scheme of things painting 2400 -3000ish points of Necrons in just over a month (rough 20 hours of painting  I estimate) is pretty...

BlogWars X – The Armies (Pic Heavy)

Hi, I took some photos of the lovely armies on show at BlogWars X. Enjoy. These were my SM and Cult Mechanicus force. Lovely Nid force got best Painted. Jason's Necrons Liam's Nurgle CSM (Blue Warp Studio's) won Best Conversions Lovely Conversion -...

Necron Army List For Winter War

So this weekend I am going to my first ever 40k tournament at the always awesome Winter War Charity Event (please donate and find out more here: http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=130827). Quite excited to play more 40k as have enjoyed...