Slowburn – 1000 Point Clash of Patrols!

This Shortrep is kinda late but this was taken during Month 4 end when we each brought our 1000 point Slowburn armies to battle it out. So we ended with really beautiful armies and all had a blast playing. Really feel that 40k should be like this. All nicely completed...

OH 74 – Rock Wars 2015!

Today Andrew is joined by Jeremy Gottschalk and Rob Phaneuf to get a recap of how Rock Wars 2015 went. As this is Rob’s last WHFB tournament ever, he also takes a moment to say goodbye to the fans toward the end of the show. Don’t worry, you’ll be...

CCX 14 – Mantic Kickstarter!

In this Episode of Counter Xtra the boys talk about the Mantic Kickstarter and lament the fact that Rob’s pledge still hasn’t arrived. Also Check out our event OH-Con!

CCX 13 – Meil Vermeulen!

In this episode of Counter Charge Xtra we talk with the dreaded Meil about his thoughts on Kings of War and the evolving tournament scene.   Also Check out our event OH-Con!

XP 109 – Bill Roberston, Brewfest, and the Siege 2016!

Today Bill Robertson joins Andrew to talk about his recent experience at Brewfest and his upcoming event called Siege at the Tower coming up in January 2016! For more info at Siege at the Tower- Check out:     Also...