Combat Patrol: Fourth of July, Merka heck yeah!

Merkans ready to deploy. Yesterday on the Fourth of July I attended a small Combat Patrol style event.  Given that it was the Fourth, I figured that the only choice to bring were the Merkan 76th.  I brought a platoon with two grenade launchers in the command squad,...

Boltgun Battle Bros Ep 36 – Army in a Weekend!

Army in a weekend 2015 with Origins Interview with the Ninja Division’s Chris Berkinhagen we talk about the creation of Super Dungeon Explore, & future projects for this company. I talk a little bit about Malifaux. I attempt a GSA. Then Marathon army time....

XP 101 -Age of Sigmar is finally here!

Well Age of Sigmar is finally out for Andrew and Ian to discuss, so listen to this extra long version of Xtra points to hear the good, tbe bad, and the funny things they find when giving their first impressions. Also Check out our event OH-Con!

Oldschoolowe Leśne Manewry 2015 / Local tourney

Witajcie!Dzisiaj zakończył się drugi dzień turnieju a z nim i sam turniej. Rozdano nagrody i wszyscy rozjechali się do domów. Czas na małe podsumowanie i analizę zarówno rozpiski jaki i gier, które się odbyły.ROZPISKAPoniżej, armia którą zagrałem na 1650:Formation:...

Slowburn Month 2: 2v2 Games Day at ITE Central

It is the end of Month 2 for the Slowburn League at Titan Games and this time we had the opportunity to participate in a Games Day. This was held in conjunction with the Campus Game Fest held over at ITE Central. Starting at 12PM, we broke off into groups of 2. Owing...