Adepticon – Infinity Grand Tournament

After Friday's Joint Operation Tournament with Tim I played in Saturday's Grand Tournament.  This event consisted of four rounds of ITS scenarios at 300 points per player.  Overall I performed much better on Saturday but I did make a number of boneheaded...

Adepticon – Infinity Joint Operations Tournament

At Adepticon I took part in two Infinity events, the Joint Operations tournament and the Grand Tournament.  This crazy event pits two teams of  players against each other with each player bringing 300 points.  Yup, that's right, 600 points per side....

Adepticon 2015 Recap!

Come and gone yet again. It went by so fast. As last year, I had an amazing time at Adepticon. There was so much to see and do, and I know missed a ton of stuff, too, despite my best efforts.It was held at a new venue, the Schaumburg Convention Center. This place is...

MRW EP 5 – Adepticon Clash of Kings!

Andrew does a brief overview of his experiences at Adepticon’s Clash of Kings!   Lastly the Oh-Con Website is finished and Registration is open! Also Check out our event OH-Con!