MRW Ep 1 – Why play Kings of War!

Today marks the start of Mantic Radio Weekly! This will be a weekly podcast covering all things Mantic Games! The Primary Host will be Andrew Sherman and his main game is Kings of War, but there will be content outside of just Kings of War on this podcast. It is...

XP 86 – Siege of the Tower and Andrew’s list!

Today Andrew goes over his list he is taking to Siege at the Tower on January 10-11 2015. Siege at the tower is a 2500 point event held in Columbus OH. It is Ohio’s longest running tournament and is ran by Bill Robertson of   Lastly the Oh-Con...

XP 85 – Top 5 New Years Resolutions for 2015!

Hello, Hello, Hello, Andrew here and today I’ll be talking about my Top 5 Hobby New Years Resolutions for 2015! Also I’ll be covering the move of Xtra Points to the Ohiohammer Prime Feed. We took a vote on this and it’ll be easier for the main...

OH Video Cast Ep 6 – 1k Daemons vs 1k Skaven

Now that my basements finished I’ve finally had some time to look at the the unpublished content from when I was working all Summer. In this cast I took 1k Daemons and got a chance to play my good friend Scott Helbling’s Skaven. Personally I’ve...