Showcase; The Cypra Incident, Watchtowers and Fencing.

Hi AllI've now completed the Watchtower and Fencing project for our upcoming campaign; The Cypra Incident, which will see Space Orks and Imperial Guard battling it out in a swamp initially. I'll go back at a later date and add a few more pieces to the set, such as 2...

The Cypra Incident, more terrain WIP.

Hi AllBluddtoof here with some more WIP on my current project; the fencing terrain for our upcoming narrative campaign; The Cypra Incident.I'd planned a post over the weekend and even took photos but didn't get round to it so this post contains photos from a couple of...

"Don’t Fence Me In…..", The Cypra Incident. WIP.

Hey AllBluddtoof here with the first WIP post for a new terrain set I'm building to be used in our upcoming Narrative Campaign; "The Cypra Incident".As I said in my last post Doc and I need to represent a military compound in the 2nd mision of our story, whichever way...