Episode 40k: A New Coat of Paint

Hey everyone, something rather different today — but first, to get you all in the right mood: Episode 40K A NEW COAT OF PAINT Somewhere in Germany. Having rediscovered an old action figure thought long lost, a hobbyist by the name of KRAUTSCIENTIST embarks upon...

Regimental advisor

++Astrotelepathica report++ ++Timestamp 998.M41, Location Telepathica relay station Piscina V++ +Origin Segmentum Solar, Holy Terra+ ++Ident: Departmento Munitorum++ +Restricted+ ++Transcript follows++ Fleet posting: Imperial forces, Streit, Segmentum Obscuris. Lord...

Regimental advisor

++Astrotelepathica report++ ++Timestamp 998.M41, Location Telepathica relay station Piscina V++ +Origin Segmentum Solar, Holy Terra+ ++Ident: Departmento Munitorum++ +Restricted+ ++Transcript follows++ Fleet posting: Imperial forces, Streit, Segmentum Obscuris. Lord...

Regimental advisor

++Astrotelepathica report++ ++Timestamp 998.M41, Location Telepathica relay station Piscina V++ +Origin Segmentum Solar, Holy Terra+ ++Ident: Departmento Munitorum++ +Restricted+ ++Transcript follows++ Fleet posting: Imperial forces, Streit, Segmentum Obscuris. Lord...