More commandments – RT era Command Figures

Following on from the command squad posted last week this week I took delivery of several command figures to act as leaders and centres to my force.again possibly not all RT but all certainly pre-2nd edition from what i can tell there might only be three of them...

A Commanding View – RT Era Command squad arrives

Following on from yesterdays post the models for my command squad arrived, whilst these are RT era models (i know some are a tad newer but still pre 1995) I will be running them using the latest codex rules hence this unit.So here are the models picked up for my...

Time for some support – RT Devastators on the horizon

Well after a quiet few days waiting for various packages and parcels the core of the force has finally turned up and now to start showing off some of the units pre-paint.Today is the turn of the devastator squad, this is mainly made up of a core of metal models and 5...

Keepers of the Lore – More Rogue Trader adventures

So today opens with the latest arrivals for the Rogue Trader force and looking at the classics in detail. Today saw the arrival of two units I have been looking forward to receiving, and for me the favourite units in any incarnation of the Space Marines.I fought the...