How does this all work again?

OK, let's see if I can remember how to do this... Man, things like Facebook groups are a lot easier to load pics up to. Not as satisfying though. That's where most of my stuff lately has ended up though, and in between program and email and phone changes working out...

The 2018 Eternal Hunt Awards, pt. 1: The Hobbyists

So here we are again, at year’s end, right before Christmas, and in tune with the overal festive mood, I think we should look at some fantastic hobby projects as part of this year’s first instalment of the Eternal Hunt Awards. Yay! Maybe it’s just...

Scythiak Vojaki Storm Troopers – painted

I finished painting the Anvil Industries squad I'll use as Scions for my Scythiak Usurpation army.  4+ armor!  They're invincible! var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-16305859-1']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga =...

WIP Scythiak Vojaki Storm Troopers / Anvil Industry review

I recently was fortunate enough to win a Facebook contest for Anvil Industry and received a squad of figures from their Regiments range.  I just pulled the parts out of their bags and assembled four of them, pictured above.  They're destined to add to my 40K chaos...

The 2017 Eternal Hunt Awards, pt. 2: The Hobbyists

Welcome back, everyone: It’s a new year, and here we are — later than I had originally planned, I must admit. Sorry for the delay, but I just had to spend the entire holiday season sleeping, eating and near-obsessively hunting robot dinosaurs. I actually...