The 2016 Eternal Hunt Awards, pt. 2: The Industry

Okay everyone, forgive me for dropping off the radar for a bit there, but work has been pretty crazy for the last couple of weeks, and my free time has mostly been dedicated to the wonderful world of digital entertainment for quite a while (as an aside, if you like...

Vraks: Crossing No Man’s Land, Day One

Krieg troopers hit the wire! Scott came over and we dove into the first mission in the Vraks campaign. The first wave forms up, advancing along with the fearsome Hellhound, terror to infantry everywhere.  Preliminary bombardment kills a handful of defenders and knocks...

Vraks: Prelude

Ever since Scott had started his Death Korps of Krieg army, we had planned to play through the Siege of Vraks campaign.  Now we are going to get started!  The renegades hunker down in their defenses awaiting the oncoming Death Korps, for the first mission from IA: 5....