Cerastus Knight Acheron Showcase – House Makabius

Hi all,Doc here back with the finished knight as promised.  The weathering process was just a load of real fun and very dirty!  So on to some pictures and few salient points. Firstly also to thank Innermech for the loan of the light box.All the previous...

Cerastus Knight Acheron – WIP #2

Hi All,Wowsers I have been away from the blog and hobby for a while, apologies for that and now it is time to get my mojo back! It is also bad timing as traditionally code40k members tail back the hobby work over the summer months meaning blog posts have been a little...

40K Imperial Guard Tanks Showcase – 19th Dicers

Evening All,Doc back with another block rocking beat......Eh no back with another blog posting video...Ok give up with the crappy jokes already.  Tonight I want to showcase my finished tanks for the first two games of The Cypra Incident.  Really happy with...