Pre Heresy Death Guard Legion Rapier – Showcase

Afternoon All,I am here to finally showcase something I have painted in 2015 on the 24th May!  Wow that's real life for you. Today's showcase is my newly finished Legion Graviton Rapier.  I am really looking forward to getting into 30k and this is another...

Pre Heresy Death Guard – Showcase of Progress So Far

Evening All,Doc here to showcase the progress on my Pre Heresy Death Guard (PHDG).  For those that haven't read any previous posts the idea with my PHDG the idea with the army was to always create a multi use force for 30k and 40k as a space marine army.Its also...
Imperial Knight Freeblade, W.I.P, carapace on.

Imperial Knight Freeblade, W.I.P, carapace on.

Hi AllBluddtoof here with an update on the WIP of my Imperial Knight Freeblade.As you can see I've now completed the upper carapace with lots of lovely thorny vines.Here's a few piccies....I'm now working on the arms and attempting to magnetise the shoulder pads so I...
Imperial Knight WIP, torso done and in place.

Imperial Knight WIP, torso done and in place.

Hi AllI've finished the torso of the Knight and it's now fixed in place, after a little dry run to get the positioning right. Whilst doing the dry run with arms and shoulder pads in place I discovered that the arms cannot be removed if the shoulder pads are fixed in...
Imperial Knight Freeblade, Work in Progress.

Imperial Knight Freeblade, Work in Progress.

Hi AllTime for another update on my progress with my Imperial Knight; I've finished the base and legs now apart from the final weathering which I'll be doing all in one go once the models complete so as to ensure I get a coherent and consistent finish.Here's pics of...