by Porky | Aug 13, 2014
Underworld Lore #4 is coming this week, which means the Arcane Dwellings table needed to be done faster than expected, so I did the last nine myself, to be sure there are 30 ready to go.If you want to add any, like Red Orc did with the Threshold of Eternity on Monday,...
by Porky | Aug 4, 2014
I wonder how different the world would look today if 'D&D' actually stood for 'Dragons & Dungeons'?Maybe no different. The typical module might be creature-focused rather than site-based. But the cascading consequences of even that fine change, in minds across...
by Porky | Aug 1, 2014
Haven't done one of these in a quite a while now.The background reading includes two posts from today: Trey's review of Guardians of the Galaxy, and the idea certain aspects suggest Farscape, and a post at Realms of Chirak on 'citogenesis', essentially a lack of care...
by Porky | Jan 31, 2014
When mum came back from the war her skin was on inside out and she was crapping through a hatch in her belly button. That was nothing. Last time she'd coughed her lungs up and if not for the nanopills we'd have needed to stuff them back in ourselves. Like we did with...
by Porky | Dec 2, 2013
First go read this. Epigenetics focuses on the idea of meaningful genetic change being passed down the generations by means other than DNA. Lamarckism is the supposedly discredited thinking that change to an organism in a single lifetime can also be inherited.The...