Cosmic Norse Super Gods!

Ever since I was a kid, Thor has always been my favorite super hero. It goes hand in hand that I've had an interest in norse mythology since as far back as I can remember too. I love what Marvel has done with these myths and how they have turned them into alien...

Necron Music

The good news is I've been painting like crazy! The bad news is I lost my camera in a robery a couple months ago and have yet to replace it. :( Needless to say I haven't had much to blog about hobby-wise without the camera, since I'm more of a: "check out pics of my...

++ incoming ++ robots++

When my son was very young he was obsessed with robots. Especially the ones with "technology".  The words have been sitting in the back of my head for until the time was right. I'm happy to say that I've finally been able to build it for him....

My new Dwarf inspired Song

This has been in the works for quite some time (lyrics originaly posted here). And with the help of my reunited band mate we have completed the "Saga of Karak Zull". Here it is, enjoy. Transpo-Mutilation "Saga of Karak Zuul" by jcroxford Dave and I made industrial...