WIP On the Desk: Chaos unit filler

I've had this Reaper Miniature for quite some time, prior to knowing about the huge run of Bones that they were going to do.  It is another Manor sculpt.  That poor Viking is getting squashed. I did not like the two headed giant, so I dug through the...

Miniature Pins of the Week!

It’s been a pleasantly hectic week over on the sister-site to this blog – www.pinsofwar.net. Busy enough, that I thought I’d do a quick round-up of some of the interesting stuff that has been pinned over the last week (or two). Here’s a...

Tre Manor’s Kickstarter Troubles

Tre Manor’s 2nd Red Box Games Miniatures Kickstarter was cancelled. Despite reaching nearly three times the (teaser)-goal, it fell well short of Tre Manor’s first Kickstarter last year. It also, apparently, failed to raise the funding for some of the key...