Battle Report: Fall of Port Arthur

No matter how much you rub your chin, we won't win this... Sad news from the front!  The Siege of Port Arthur, Supercampaign V, is finally at an end!  Last night, Ollie, Kieran, Mike and I got together to enact Paul's final campaign order.  1st Division was ordered to...

Trench Raiders Triple

A bit of set-dressing for our game, courtesy of Kieran's re-enacting days Palladian Guard is firmly back in First World War mode today, as we share another of our Trench Raiders Triple battle reports.  The first was from a few weeks back and saw the Germans and Brits...

Trench Raiders Campaign Day

My British Trench Raiders, from Great War Miniatures.  At last, the Allies can go on the offensive! With all of us off at different times over Christmas, Kieran, Ollie and I made a special effort to get together for a few games of Trench Raiders during the festive...

Battle Report: Trench Raiders

I had a chance to play Trench Raiders today, my WW1 skirmish wargame I wrote a few weeks back.  Popped over to my brother's house and had a quick game - it was supposed to be a full wargame when it was conceived, but a combination of the fast play, emphasis on...

Trench Raider Rules

1/8th (Irish) King's Liverpool Regiment. After a trench raid 17th-18th April 1916 at Wailly, France. (Photograph copyright IWM) Hi all, and welcome to the culmination of a project I've been working on for a few weeks now - a skirmish ruleset for Trench Raids in the...