Episode 40k: A New Coat of Paint

Hey everyone, something rather different today — but first, to get you all in the right mood: Episode 40K A NEW COAT OF PAINT Somewhere in Germany. Having rediscovered an old action figure thought long lost, a hobbyist by the name of KRAUTSCIENTIST embarks upon...

Inquisitor 28: Can’t stop!

More INQ28-related work this week, which may or may not be good news for you, depending on what it is you want from this blog😉 But I really can’t help it, I seem to be on a bit of a roll when it comes to INQ28 lately, in spite of everything, so I guess...

A tribute to Nick Garden, my friend.

Nick picks up one of many tournament awardsIt is with profound sadness that I write this post.Nick Garden, a friend and former work colleague of mine passed away over the weekend. It was not expected and has come as a terrible shock to the Wellington gaming community...