Lord of the XII Legion – A Triptych, pt. 4

Another look at Angron this week, as we finally put the big red daemon-monster on its own base. Don’t worry, it won’t be nearly as boring as you might think “But wait! Wasn’t this supposed to be a triptych? Then why are we already on part four...

Lord of the XII Legion – A Triptych, pt. 3

Welcome to part three of this mini-series about my various interpretations of the XII Legion Primarch! Today, we’ll finally get some paint on my conversion of Angron in his Daemon-Primarch form! Before we begin, let me just point out that – interestingly...

Lord of the XII Legion – A Triptych, pt. 2

Prologue So here we are with part two of this mini-series centered around Angron, the Lord of the XII Legion, and today I would like to focus on my interpretation of Angron in his post-ascension form as a Daemon-Primarch (a project already teased in my last post). Now...

Lord of the XII Legion – A Triptych, pt. 1

Prologue I have been thinking a lot about Angron lately. I’ve explained before how I think Matthew Farrer’s “After Desh’ea” and Aaron Dembski-Bowden’s “Betrayer” have managed to turn a bad comic book villain into a much...