Finished! Ragnar Skyplitter

Back from outer space! Well, further away cities. This past weekend I went to Chicago for some private coaching with my buddy Mark, I also did some airbrush tutoring up in Wausau, more on those excursions soon. For now I still have more Trollbloods to show off. This...

Finished! Diretroll Blitzer

He's big, he's burly, he's the blitzer! Bringing some meat for the potatoes of troll army. I've always liked this troop concept, hopefully he gets a little more use in the new edition.

Finished! Trollbloods Stormtroll

Rolling past the finish line first is the Stormtroll. I'll spare the electricity puns running through my head right now and get on with the pictures.More finished Trolls in the future so stay tuned!

So I did a thing…. Gobber Tinker Part 1

So Im going to start by giving away the end of the story... I built a Privateer Press Gobber Tinker model and took it to the always AMAZING Sword And Brush competition in Toronto this past weekend and won this year's theme award "Best Orc or Goblin" sponsored by the...

Finished! Trollbloods Army

Finally, the Kriel of Thao is completed. I'll show more up close and individual shots in the future. It's a massive amount of photos to level off, today I only had time for the group shots.Enjoy!