Leading to Gencon

At the end of this week, I'll be heading down to Gencon. I can't wait but need the time in between to polish off some projects. I took the weekend off (sorry for the delay in posting) in order to build the creative  juice back up. I've been painting like a madman...

Finished! Trollbloods Bouncer

All finished and ready to complete the battlegroup. If you saw my last post, this guy was painted up to join a battlegroup with mulg and hoarluk. Those two are nearly fixed up and I'll have to get some group shots but for now, here be the bouncer.I'm also going to...

Battlegroup Revival Part 1

The final project to wrap up before Gencon is a Trollblood battelforce. Both Mulg and Hoarluk are commission pieces that were mailed back to me. The two of them have seem many battles and are in need of a touch up before the big show.Many, many battles...While I'm...

Finished! Dhuna Knot

Continuing right along the path of the Trollbloods, this time it's the Dhunia Knot. This unit also includes what has to be one of my favorite troll sculpts, which I had to add a "table" of scrying cards to. The symbols include a snake, an eye, and a grizzly paw,...