For the Kriel! Chapter 4

Moving right along, Troll by Troll. For the next piece of the army I chose the Dhunia Knot, which I've wanted to paint since they came out. The gypsy look is very characterful and adding a unique effect to each of their bases came naturally. I still have to make the...

{T}Rolling Along….. Horthol gets a makeover!

Horthol - one of the most Bad @$$ solos in Hordes. He is a Toughalow riding, line breaking, Elite Cadre inspiring, PS15, presumably 1 inch reaching KD/Slam Machine!Further, He is a well sculpted and characterful model. Great face, upgraded Toughalow armour,...

For the Kriel! Chapter 3

Now with the 16 Kriel warriors behind me I can concentrate on the smaller pieces of the pie. I decided to take a break on the units and paint a single, Grissel Bloodsong.I'm going to get back to it and finish her off tonight. Stay tuned!

{T}Rolling Along – Long Riders come up short……

When I decided to pick up a small Trollblood force (HA! I should have known friend Erik and I now own almost the entire faction worth of models between us) one of the units that enticed me to make this leap was the Long Rider Cavalry. Even before...