Interesting Miniature Kickstarter

Yesterday I was looking in the Twitter because I wanted to see pictures of the Gencon and I found a tweet about a Kickstarter who got my attention: resin miniatures of high quality. I looked the page and found nice miniatures of three kind: Goblins, Orcs and Trolls,...


The End Times are over, the world as we know it is no more and the gates of the realm Ghur are opening to unleash…haha, sorry. Just kidding. Everything here is still like it used to be. The new Troll I’d like to present today is in fact still living in the...
Tom, Bill & Bert – The Hobbit Trolls

Tom, Bill & Bert – The Hobbit Trolls

These guys were awesome to paint.  I tried to go with a more pink flesh colour to begin with but the further I got with the paint job the more I wanted to make the skin a more grey colour.  Hope you like them.The three trolls are on CoolMiniOrNot for voting...