Da Big Stinkas are Finished!

Da Big Stinkas are Finished!

Last night I went on my final troll painting spree and finished the last 3 trolls allowing me to complete my unit, Da Big Stinkas! I will mainly be using this unit as a unit of 8 and have a spare troll for solo chaffing or when used as Kroxigor in units of Skrox. I...


Hey Guys another quick post, finished another 3 Trolls last night, 3 more to go! Happy with how these came out, better than the first batch and took me the same amount of time!
Under the Bridge a Trio River Trolls Lurk….

Under the Bridge a Trio River Trolls Lurk….

Really quick post today, fully painted these 3 trolls in one 5 hour sitting last night (9pm-2am). Pretty chuffed with how they came out and I think the colour scheme works well. Some of the highlighting/blending is not to my best standard but for that time frame I'm...

The Coming Of The Night Trolls

Everyone knows I have a weakness for monsters of pretty much every kind - trolls in particular - so my monster radar when off the chart when I saw this Night Troll that's on the way from Privateer Press. Even more than before I'm dreaming of a troll army for WFB. If...

Mantic Trolls And Plotting A Chaos Troll Army

Mantic are spending the next week showing us examples of the tons of Kings Of War miniatures that are on the way in the summer; here are some trolls:What do you think? There's a Hordes influence here I'd say, but they look reasonable. I mean, what does a troll...