Horus Heresy Review: Night Lords Atramentar Squad

Background. The terminator elite of the Night Lords, and all swearing fealty to Sevatar. Armed to the teeth (in some cases literally), they are noted to be shock troops, yet also very prone to the Night Lords' failings of being little more than a disunited rabble who...

Horus Heresy Review: Legion Jetbike Sky Seeker Squadron

Background.Much like the Hussar Squadron, this unit is remarkable for its existence as a troops selection within the Horus Heresy game (albeit a support squad).As might be expected, this squadron is made up of jetbikes, which are described as being of the Estoc class...

Horus Heresy Review: Legion Hussar Squadron

Background.Hussar squadrons are armoured bikes for the space marine legions. They take on a variety of roles for the legions including recon, and assault for which they are valued. To my mind, they are the first response for many legions, and have the ability to not...