INQ28: Hear Me Roar!

More Deathwatch for today, as I have been plugging away at my Primaris based true scale killteam for another week. Allow me to share the results with you: First up, there’s the Celestial Lions Astartes I have already shared with you in WIP form. Like I said, my...

INQ28: Suffer Not The Alien to Live

Back when the Primaris Marines were first released, I got myself a single snapfit model from the Dark Imperium boxed set to take a firsthand look at the scale and experiment a bit. Those early experiments were both interesting and educational — but of course I...

True Scale – Horus Heresy Iron Warriors – Comparison

So here are the comparison pictures, unfortunately I only took pictures of the models together from one angle but I think you can see the difference quite clearly.The difference is quite remarkable in that the extra length of the legs gives the model so much more...

True Scale – Horus Heresy Iron Warriors – Finished

I finished off the washes and highlights and I am very happy with the end result.The Brass Etched shoulder pad looks really good, a note here is when applying use superglue sparingly as it easily clogs up the details, the cost is way lower than the cast shoulder pads...