Rise of Xaphan: Vraks Army Redo Part One

Rise of Xaphan: Vraks Army Redo Part One

Denaris was struck across the back by the spiked club, throwing him to the ground. Blood seeped through his muddied, shredded tunic and his cracked breastplate. He was roughly turned around by gloved hands, and was sure he heard something crack; his ribs. The...

Review: Anvil industries Tox Troopers

Variety does no harm (unless it comes to biscuits!). So today, I'm having a look at Anvil Industries, and one of their newer products, the Tox Troopers. These guys sounds great for count-as Nurgle Guard, or even renegades in general, no matter your system or...

TrueScale Deathwatch Marines

I'm jumping on the True Scale bandwagon!This time, to keep it simple and small, Im just going to be doing a 8-10 man Deathwatch Squad, with possibly a scaled up Dread too.Plan is to do Captain/Libby/Assault Trooper(2)/Heavy Troop(1)/Tacticals(3+)anyway, before the...

Deathwatch – Planning

Although I'd normally prefer to avoid counts-as armies, Codex: Ordo Xenos has been pushed back in the release schedule for ooooh well over two decades now. <evilempirekoolaid>But it'll definitely be a doozy when it does come out, oh...